Neturiu supratimo dėl kanapių ilgalaikio poveikio smegenėlėms, bet reiktų atkreipti dėmesį į tai, kaip JAV (turbūt ir daug kur kitur) kanapės yra diskriminuojamos medicinoje. Ir tai nėra rūpinimasis žmonių gerove kaip gali atrodyti. Tai labiau panašu į farmacininkų baimę, kad žmonės bus gydomi augalu, kurio negalima patentuoti, ir kiekvienas gali užsiauginti pats. Aspirino ar paracetamolio tai neužsiauginsi, turėsi pirkti
Anksčiau ji buvo medicinoje plačiai naudojama, kanapės baubą pradėta pūsti 1970 m.
JAV net sudaromos visokios kliūtys norint atlikti kanapės klinikinius tyrimus. Manau, kad tai daroma sąmoningai.
O nuolatinis vartojimas vien dėl pramogos, aišku, kad turi ir trūkumų:
Ir rūkymas ne pati geriausia vartojimo forma (degimas, kancerogenų susidarymas):

Anksčiau ji buvo medicinoje plačiai naudojama, kanapės baubą pradėta pūsti 1970 m.
For instance, in 2009 a study in the journal Cancer Prevention Research found that marijuana smokers have a lower risk of head and neck cancers than non-marijuana smokers.
Harvard researchers also found that THC in marijuana cuts tumor growth in lung cancer while significantly reducing its ability to spread. There is also a wealth of research linking marijuana with pain relief and improved sleep. In one recent study, just three puffs of marijuana a day for five days helped those with chronic nerve pain to relieve pain and sleep better.
Americans for Safe Access also has links to research studies suggesting that cannabis may help in the treatment or prevention of Alzheimer's disease and cancer...
Lastly, the research site lists over 126 potential therapeutic applications for marijuana in disease prevention and treatment, further illustrating just how voluminous the scientific evidence really is in support of the medical marijuana movement
Harvard researchers also found that THC in marijuana cuts tumor growth in lung cancer while significantly reducing its ability to spread. There is also a wealth of research linking marijuana with pain relief and improved sleep. In one recent study, just three puffs of marijuana a day for five days helped those with chronic nerve pain to relieve pain and sleep better.
Americans for Safe Access also has links to research studies suggesting that cannabis may help in the treatment or prevention of Alzheimer's disease and cancer...
Lastly, the research site lists over 126 potential therapeutic applications for marijuana in disease prevention and treatment, further illustrating just how voluminous the scientific evidence really is in support of the medical marijuana movement
O nuolatinis vartojimas vien dėl pramogos, aišku, kad turi ir trūkumų:
In the short-term, marijuana use can cause trouble with your ability to think clearly and may impair memory. Marijuana also leads to motor skill impairment and may adversely affect alertness, coordination and reaction time...
There is also some evidence that marijuana use can exacerbate psychotic symptoms in those with schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders, as well as serve as a "gateway" drug that eventually leads to the use of "harder" drugs like cocaine and heroine, although this is still a matter of debate.
It is possible to avoid these risks entirely by either using cannabis in hemp oil form or, as many medical marijuana patients advocate, by using a vaporizer. The device allows for the ingestion of marijuana without any combustion byproducts, eliminating rightful concerns about the cumulative harms associated with smoking it. It is also possible to minimize harm by eating marijuana (along with some fat, as THC is fat-soluble and will not dissolve in water).