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Alus Lietuvoje ir svetur

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    Alus Lietuvoje ir svetur

    Nepamirškit nurodyt ir rūšies

    Mano galerija Flickr'yje

    jei kur jo nerandu, tuomet uzsisakau Utenos

    Miestai ir architektūra -


      I haven't had the pleasure of trying Kalnapilis or Horn. On the other hand, I had plenty of Utenos and mainly Švyturys during my visit!
      Originally Posted by


        Parašė Whose Homepage
        I haven't had the pleasure of trying Kalnapilis or Horn. On the other hand, I had plenty of Utenos and mainly Švyturys during my visit!
        Nice to hear that
        Mano galerija Flickr'yje




            Megstamiausias apskritai - Budweiser Budvar
            Megstamiausias lietuviskas - Svyturys, nors tinka ir kitoks, pvz Kalnapilis ar Utenos


              Niekas neprilygsta senam geram Budweiseriui.
              You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.


                Vakar Hainekeno 2 pintas nusipirkau. Tikra atgaiva po Bud Light
                Mano galerija Flickr'yje


                  siaip alkocholis YRA blogis ... bet SVYTURYS

                  Mano Flickr nuotraukos :


                  Kiek rovė - neišrovė. Kiek skynė - nenuskynė. Todėl, kad tu - šventovė, todėl, kad tu - Tėvynė !!!


                    Švyturys yra blogis, nes kadangi laiko Utenos po savo sparnu, neleidžia laisvai konkuruot. Net Utenoj populiariausias yra Utenos, bet dažnam bare jo negausi. Gerk Švyturį
                    Mano galerija Flickr'yje


                      Budweiser from Budvar ... but we can't get it here.

                      Heineken ... OK, but there are many other beers in its league.

                      And Mantai, you can't possibly be serious about Bud Light! It's AWFUL!!!
                      Originally Posted by


                        Parašė Whose Homepage
                        Budweiser from Budvar ... but we can't get it here.

                        Heineken ... OK, but there are many other beers in its league.

                        And Mantai, you can't possibly be serious about Bud Light! It's AWFUL!!!
                        I said that Haineken is much better than Bud Light (I tried one yesterday)
                        Mano galerija Flickr'yje


                          Heineken is good, not as good as Budvar but it's really drinkable


                            Lol, John, don't I know it!

                            As I said, I can't get any real Budvar here, but I'm certainly not suffering from any lack of decent quality beers to choose from.

                            @Mantaz: I'm sorry -- I misunderstood you.
                            Originally Posted by


                              Parašė Whose Homepage
                              Lol, John, don't I know it!

                              As I said, I can't get any real Budvar here, but I'm certainly not suffering from any lack of decent quality beers to choose from.

                              @Mantaz: I'm sorry -- I misunderstood you.
                              Really hard to believe thatyou misunderstood me Oh, I really liked the Sierra Nevada too
                              Mano galerija Flickr'yje


                                geriu dvieju rusiu:

                                When a man lies, he murders some part of the world


                                  Parašė Whose Homepage
                                  As I said, I can't get any real Budvar here, but I'm certainly not suffering from any lack of decent quality beers to choose from.
                                  you can't get any? But I think they're distributing it in US under some different name (now can't remember it), or it's just not available in SF?

                                  Anyway you mentioned you can get TSINGTAO, that's on the top on my wish-to-try list sadly can't get it here


                                    Patience and faith, Jonai! The day will surely come--and I hope it will be soon--that you'll be able to enjoy a TsinTao!

                                    In the meantime, enjoy your great Lithuanian brews!
                                    Originally Posted by


                                      Parašė Mantaz
                                      Vakar Hainekeno 2 pintas nusipirkau. Tikra atgaiva po Bud Light
                                      Siaip man geriausias USAlus yra Samuel Adams. Yra tamsaus ar lagerio - pagal skoni.

                                      Bet labiausiai vertinu lietuviska SVYTURI


                                        Sam Adams? Vos vos išgėriau, kai primą kart gėriau. Šiaip koncentruotas myžalas
                                        Mano galerija Flickr'yje

