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US. Kalifornija ir ne tik...

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    US. Kalifornija ir ne tik...

    Papildysiu forumą savo nuotraukomis iš JAV.

    Pradžiai, keletas Los Angeles vaizdelių.

    Los Angeles Downtown iš toliau.

    Na ir toliau po LA centrą...

    O čia LA katedra. Labai keista ir man asmeniškai visiškai nepatiko.

    Rytoj įdėsiu seriją iš Santa Barbara.
    Paskutinis taisė Vytautas_LT; 2009.03.10, 22:40.

    Aciu, Vytautai_LT! That's a very fine and unusual collection of LA photos that one doesn't see every day.

    I do like LA's cluster of downtown highrises, particularly the Library Tower.

    Did you get a chance to go to Pasadena while you were there? It has lots of nice Art Deco architecture and also several fine brownshingle residential buildings by the Greene Brothers.

    And now you're headed for Santa Barbara? A gorgeous town! There's a Greene & Greene house there too:
    Originally Posted by


      Parašė Whose Homepage Rodyti pranešimą
      Aciu, Vytautai_LT! That's a very fine and unusual collection of LA photos that one doesn't see every day.

      I do like LA's cluster of downtown highrises, particularly the Library Tower.

      Did you get a chance to go to Pasadena while you were there? It has lots of nice Art Deco architecture and also several fine brownshingle residential buildings by the Greene Brothers.

      And now you're headed for Santa Barbara? A gorgeous town! There's a Greene & Greene house there too:
      No, unfortunately I had no chance to visit Pasadena.
      These photos were taken on July 2008. I was planning to put here more of them, but now there's a problem - service isn't available (I hope this will be fixed soon).


        Ah, I see. Well, I hope you'll have the chance to come for another visit! And I'm sure the photo service will be available again soon.
        Originally Posted by


          Pagaliau radau būdą patalpinti nuotraukoms, taigi tęsiame toliau.

          Keletas vaizdelių pakeliui į Santa Barbara.

          O čia jau pats miestas, rotušė (Town Hall)

          Didžiausioji misija-vienuolynas, kurios pavadinimo jau nebepamenu.

          Vėl rotušė.

          Ir panoramos nuo jos bokšto.


          Mieste važinėja tokie autobusai. Beje, elektriniai.

          Gaisrininkai gavo iškvietimą.

          Gatvėje ne vienas toks...

          Kiek sužinojau, jis ir per vandenį plaukioja, ne šiaip sau tokia forma.


          Tiltas. Jis kelissyk jau buvo sudegęs ir iš naujo atstatytas.

          Važiuojame link namų, vaizdeliai netoli Ojai.

          Lake Casitas

          Ojai Valley

          Linksmieji kalneliai.

          Tiltas ir krioklys, pavadinimo, deja, nežinau.

          Santa Paula geležinkelio stotis.
          Paskutinis taisė Vytautas_LT; 2009.03.17, 19:55.

